Acne scar is a very disturbing condition for people. It is a psycho-social source of stress especially in adolescence period. Since each lesion is likely to leave a scar behind, it will be more appropriate to start the acne scar treatment after the healing of current active acnes.
Acne scar occurs due to damages in subcutaneous area caused by deeply located lesions. The most important issue in scar treatment is to prevent scar formation. For that reason, acne should be cured by a dermatologist with appropriate treatment in early stages when it begins to appear.
What are the types of acne scar?
It is very important to identify the type of the acne before starting its treatment. Treatment to be applied will be decided accordingly. The vast majority of the scars are atrophic (below the normal layer of the skin tissue) scars. Hypertrophic (above the surrounding skin) scars are mostly observed in dark-skinned people.
- Injection applications in acne scar treatment (Platelet-rich plasma therapy, collagen injection, hyaluronic acid)
Injection applications are intended to increase collagen synthesis in subcutaneous area. When applied in combination with therapies such as fractional laser, micro-needling etc. in acne scar treatments, it gives better results.
- Micro-needling in acne scar treatment
It is a very successful therapy method especially in acne scars with low-severity. Anesthetic cream is applied before the application, so there is no sense of pain. Micro-needling is applied using a pen-type device having 6-9 pieces of needles on it. These pens are minimally invasive and create micro channels in subcutaneous area. Redness on application area continues for several days and incrustation is minimum. In comparison with fractional laser applications, it is very efficient on surface and red-colored acne scars. Interval between treatments is 3-4 weeks. Hyaluronic acid may be applied together with micro-needling therapy. It increases the recovery percentage.
- Fractional lasers in acne scar treatment (Co2, Er)
Fractional lasers create micro damages in subcutaneous area. The area exposed to laser shots are damaged and it has healthy tissues around. In this way, when damaged tissue recovers, it causes recovery in acne scars. Anesthetic cream is applied before the application and the application process starts 30 minutes later. The sense of pain is minimum due to application of cold air. Recovery period after application varies and it is required to use repair creams for approximately 5 days because of redness and incrustation on application area. It is also required to apply sun cream after treatment. Interval between treatments should be 8-10 weeks. Repeated laser applications, collagen injection between laser applications will increase the success of the treatment.
- Trichloracetic acid (TCA) in acne scar treatment
It is appropriate to use especially in small, deep atrophic scars. High concentration of TCA is applied locally in scar. Repeated application may be required and session intervals are between 4-6 weeks.
- Subcision in acne scar treatment
It is a therapy method used in treatment of atrophic, invasive and subcutaneous scars. It is based on cutting fibrotic bands using special needles. Filling application using hyaluronic acid will increase the success of the treatment.
Appropriateness and order of such treatments will be determined by dermatologist.
Acne scar treatment should definitely be planned personally. It is not possible to achieve success in acne scar treatment with a single application of a single treatment method. Combined treatments give better results.