What is H100 Youth Vaccine?
H100 youth vaccine is a cocktail which contains 100 mg hyaluronic acid and numerous vitamins, amino acids and peptides to meet the needs of the skin. Its most important feature is to contain mannitol. Mannitol prolongs the life of hyaluronic acid and has antioxidant features.
What is the purpose of H100 application?
The substance which moistens the skin and supports the collagen production is used for the purpose of skin rejuvenation and moistening. Moisture and elasticity increases after H100 youth vaccine application; and vitamins and antioxidants contained in vaccine ensures collagen increase, tightening, rejuvenescense (cell renewal) and fine wrinkle treatment.
How is H100 applied?
İt is applied into skin through micro injection method.
It lasts approximately 20 minutes. Anesthetic cream is necessarily applied before the application.
Frequency of the application varies according to the age of the patient and skin texture.
Interval between applications is 2-3 weeks and the number of sessions may be increased up to 2 sessions for young skins and up to 5 sessions for damaged skins.
Where is H100 applied?
It may be applied on face, neck, low-neck and hands.