With microwave technology, it is possible to tighten the skin and subcutaneous fat, to realize regional slimming and to eliminate cellulite. Cold wave therapy is also possible with laser-based devices developed using these microwaves.
Associate Professor Ahu Birol Kocaalp uses the Onda cold wave therapy method for regional slimming, tightening and cellulite treatment. With this method, microwaves break down the oils and allow them to be freed from the areas where the oils are attached. Thanks to the cooling method used in cold wave therapy, no pain is felt during the session. Fat tissues are broken down without the need for a surgical method or anesthesia. It is ensured that the killed fat cells are removed from the body. In this way, while the skin is tightened, cellulite is also eliminated.
Onda cold wave therapy is a more effective method than radio and sound wave treatments. With this method, the amount of energy in the skin is preserved and it is aimed to burn fat directly. Thus, the heat rises from below to the skin surface. Having such an advantage over radio and sound wave methods gives excellent results for fast fat burning and cellulite removal. Sessions were boring, tiring and long-lasting due to the energy problem in the old methods. On the other hand, in cold wave therapy, it is possible to achieve results in much less time and number of sessions. If the amount of fat and cellulite is not too much, you can achieve excellent results after about three weeks, usually after 1 session.
What is the price of cold wave therapy?
Generally, prices are calculated with the size of the area where the application will take place during the session. Prices vary according to the size of the area and the number of sessions. To find out the 2022 prices, Assoc. You can contact Ahu Birol Kocaalp.