What is acne rosacea?
Rosacea is characterized by facial redness and inflammation of capillaries.
In which areas does acne rosacea appear?
It appears especially on face, nose, cheeks, forehead and chin areas.
What are the clinical findings in acne rosacea?
In the beginning, capillaries become apparent and redness occur on face and it becomes more severe increasingly. Then, inflammatory points appear. They look like acnes but have no black points. It causes malformation on nose which is called rhinophyma.
Who are exposed to acne rosacea?
It is mostly observed with light-skinned and colored-eyed males and females after middle age.
What is the cause of acne rosacea formation?
Despite the cause of Rosacea is unknown, the individuals within the family often have similar complaints.
There is a parasite called as demodex in hair roots on fatty areas of the face. The density of this parasite is generally increased in those who suffers from rosacea. It has been determined that this parasite plays a role in formation of acne rosacea.
What are the triggering factors of rosacea?
Illness activates in sunny weathers in summer months. Despite some people claim that it decreases in summer months, the main reason is camouflage of redness due to suntan. When the suntan decreases, redness becomes more obvious.
Alcoholic beverages, fermented foods, stress, sauna, bath, washing with hot water and exercise cause severity in illness which results in vasodilation.
Rosacea treatment
What are the points to consider in rosacea treatment?
A person who suffers from Rosacea should prefer a cleaning and moisturizing dermo-cosmetic product produced specially for sensitive and red skins. He/she should use sun cream with high sun protection factor during both summer and also winter months.
How is Rosacea treated?
The type of Rosacea treatment should be determined by a dermatologist according to the clinic of the patient. Different clinical findings may occur on the same person in different times.
What is the role of laser in Rosacea treatment?
Laser treatment is significantly useful in terms of the permanence of treatment.
Lasers with different wave lengths may be applied in combination. It decreases the redness and removes the vasodilation. The number of sessions to be applied varies according to the type of laser and severity of the illness.