Diseases of lips are called as “Cheilitis” (lip dryness and chapping) and occur generally on lips due to external factors such as cold weather, wind and sun light. Chapping of lips is a very painful condition. It makes smiling difficult. The more dryness and chapping means more severe bleeding on lips. Those who have dry lips continuously lick their lips and it increases the dryness and irritation.
Medications used for acne treatment (isotretinoin) may cause severe lip dryness.
In many children with allergic structure, the first finding may be dryness and chapping on lips.
Lipsticks, lip moisturizers, tooth products, medications used for cold sore may cause reactions on lips.
Those who are exposed to sun light for long periods of time may have reactions on their lips. This modification may be a leading indicator for squamous cell carcinoma with high probability of metastases. Non-healing and continuously bleeding wounds on lips, sometimes a red mark, unusual solid tissue on lips which may be felt by fingers, white-gray colored solid structure on lips may be a leading indicator for lip cancer. These type of modifications should definitely be assessed through a biopsy.
Besides exposure to intense sun light, use of tobacco, pipe and alcohol are significant factors which may cause lip cancer.
Non-healing wounds may be cancer precursors so should require special attention.
Lip cancers are mostly seen on lower lips. It is mostly seen in light-skinned elderly male patients especially in farmers and sailors. Since dark-skinned persons have “melanin” pigment which is protective against sun lights, it decreases the risk of lip cancer.
Precautions to be taken to protect our lips against cancer are as follows:
If you spend long periods of time in the open air, you should use lips protective cream with sun protection factor. Using peaked hats will be helpful to protect our lips.
It is required to frequently moisturize the lips using products not causing neutral reaction rather than licking the lips. Petrolatum may be used for this purpose.
Lip cancer and modifications which are leading indicators are less observed in female individuals because of their habit to use lip protection products.
In case of any modification on lips, it is essential to consult a dermatologist.