Bağdat caddesi dermatolog, Kadıkoy cildiye doktorları, Buz lazer epilasyon, iz tedavisi, Whatsapp

What is IPL?

IPL; (intense pulse light); means intensive pulse light.

It is a device which uses a range of wavelengths as opposed to laser devices which use a single wavelength. Light is within the range of 400 to 1200 nm. Since the beginning of its application, it has been developed in terms of technology and started to be used in treatment of many cosmetic problems.

The broad spectrum of light is absorbed by hemoglobin inside blood vessels or by melanin pigment in the skin spot. Thus, vascular damage or decrease in melanin pigment is ensured.

IPL treatment fields are as follows;

Treatment of brown spots called as “sunspots” or “old age spots” and observed on chest, face and hands.

Treatment of redness on face and relief of redness attacks.

In cases where collagen increase (rejuvenation) is targeted.


How many sessions do I need?

The number of sessions to be applied depends on the severity of the problem. 3-6 sessions at intervals of 15 days or 1 month are appropriate. Despite noticeable betterment in each session, the efficiency increases as the number of sessions increases.

What should I expect before and after operation?

The application area Is cleaned before the application and gel is applied. Patients should wear special protective glasses in order to protect the eyes. Then the application starts. Patients may feel some pain just like the rubber band hit during the application. Gel is removed after the operation and then calming cream with sun protection factor is applied. In case of redness or swelling, ice therapy is recommended for 5-10 minutes. Concealer creams may be used just after the operation.

How do I look like after application?

There may be increase in the amount of redness in several days after the operation. Sometimes, there may be bruises on area of vessels and they disappear completely within 15 days. Concealer creams may be used in this period. The creams recommended by the doctor may be used for redness and bruises. Following the treatment intended for spots, skin spots may get darker for one week.

How long does effect last?

It depends on sun exposure time of a person. The complaints increase for especially those who don’t use sun cream, who go to tanning booth and sunbath during summer months. Treatment may be repeated annually.