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What is Lip Filler?

It is a cosmetic application performed to make the lips which lost volume structurally or over time more attractive and fleshy. It can also be performed to correct the asymmetry, make the lip contour more apparent and remove smoker-lines.

Which product is preferred in Lip Filler?

Hyaluronic acid in the most commonly used filling material in lip filler. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that naturally occurs in human body and does not cause any allergy.

How is Lip Filler applied?

Anesthetic cream is applied before the operation to decrease the sense of pain. Sometimes local anesthesia may also be applied. Hyaluronic acid is injected into lips using a needle or a cannula. It is very important to understand the patient’s expectations in lip filler application. Some patients desire bigger and more explicit lips while others prefer less explicit ones. The application should completely be personal. Application lasts approximately 30 minutes.

What can be observed after Lip Filler application?

It is required to avoid hot foods and drinks and make-up for minimum 3 hours after the operation. Extensive edema may occur during the first 3 days of the operation. The edema diminishes in 7 days and patients get the best results within 3 weeks after the operation. Hyaluronic acid disappears approximately after 12 months.

Since sudden thickening of very thin lips may cause some problems, it is preferred to get more voluminous lips in several sessions with definite intervals.