Bağdat caddesi dermatolog, Kadıkoy cildiye doktorları, Buz lazer epilasyon, iz tedavisi, Whatsapp

Pigmentation occurring on our skins with increasing age are classified as follows.

  • Birth marks
  • Sun spots (Melasma, solar lentigo, freckles)
  • Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (spots and marks occurring after acne or peeling due to increase of sensitivity after skin irritation)

Chemical peeling and laser applications as well as medical drugs are used for the treatment of such spots and marks. The outcomes of the treatment may vary depending on the skin tone and lifestyle of the individual, medications used and frequency of the treatment.

In removal or decrease of spots and marks occurred due to sun, hormonal changes (pregnancy, thyroid function disorders etc.) and medications (birth control pills etc.), Q switched Nd Yag lasers are used. The treatment protocol is between 6 to 10 sessions. These types of lasers target pigment melanin in dermis without causing any damage on epidermis. It is preferably performed in winter months. The intervals of the sessions are between 1 week to 15 days.

Likewise, chemical peeling produces healthy results based on controlled peeling operation following the selection of right type of peeling by your peeling physician. Chemical peeling may be performed as 4-6 sessions at 2-4 week intervals.

One of the most significant factors in both chemical peeling and also spot treatment with laser is the proper protection of the skin from sun before and after treatment.