Mesotherapy treatment is a method applied with needles to those who are looking for a non-surgical solution for the removal of cracks, cellulite and stains caused by various reasons on the skin. Mesotherapy, which is a non-surgical technique used for regional slimming and anti-aging, is similar to needle application, also known as acupuncture among the people. It is also preferred to relieve chronic pain.
It is applied to eliminate many problems in the form of giving drugs with small dosages under the skin with a mesotherapy needle. Muscle injuries, inflammations, pain for women’s special days, regional weight problems, hair loss, skin problems caused by aging are eliminated by mesotherapy treatment.
In this technique, which has the ability to combat many problems, the drugs injected with the needle are specially prepared for the person’s problem. A mixture of various proteins, minerals, enzymes and vitamins is prepared and injected into the lower part of the skin with mesotherapy needles. What is important here is the correct determination of the problem of the person and the application of the correct mixture. For this reason, the person to be mesotherapy should be examined by experts and the application should be done by experts. In fact, it is aimed to idealize the circulation by injecting the substances that the skin feels lacking and needs.
Mesotherapy treatment is considered a suitable method for anyone who is of age, who is not pregnant or breastfeeding, who does not have blood clotting problems, who does not have a history of cancer, diabetes or heart disease.
How many sessions of mesotherapy are done?
It is recommended to perform an average of 3 sessions for mesotherapy to give positive results. This number is determined by the recommendation of the specialist physician. It is normal to have redness or bruising on the skin for about 48 hours after mesotherapy treatment. Then healing takes place. Mild burning, swelling, itching sensations and skin sensitivity may occur. Contact with water of the treated area should be avoided for approximately 1 day. Before the mesotherapy process is performed, it is necessary to consult the doctor who will do the application about how to feed. It is recommended not to use alcohol, cigarettes and blood thinners before the application. If exercise, healthy nutrition and sleep are provided after the application, the success of the treatment will be accelerated.
For detailed information about mesotherapy treatment and solutions tailored for you and 2022 mesotherapy prices, please contact Assoc. Dr. You can contact Ahu Birol Kocaalp.