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Today, many new devices and skin treatments developed in the technological field of dermatology are effective in the search for solutions for many of our patients with skin problems. At this point, the reliability, safety, adequacy and quality of the devices are important. At the same time, the knowledge of the physician who uses it, how he analyzes the skin type first, what doses and how often he treats are critically important. Today, unfortunately, in many beauty salons, there are applications made by people who do not have expert knowledge and do not have qualifications. We see that only physicians perform the necessary treatments in environments where such practices are not sufficiently hygienic. However, professional competence is at least as important as the reliability of the device, which is a treatment tool, and even above it.


One of the reasons why I emphasize the importance of specialist knowledge is that a patient who comes to your clinic with a skin condition complaint is the most decisive step on the way to a solution, first of all to understand the reasons for the complaint, to read the requirements well and to come up with the most accurate treatment plan. If you can’t predict what will be done with a session, what dose the applied medicine, botox or filler will be applied in the most ideal dose for the person, the treatments that the person can or cannot receive depending on skin sensitivity, you will continue to see the news of ‘beauty or aesthetic disasters’, which are also the subject of the news on television today. Unfortunately, it is inevitable.

The added value to the person can even be 1+1=5.

At this point, it is useful to understand that each person’s facial, skin and aging characteristics are unique to that person. The patient’s skin type, general health, medications, age, nutrition and previous procedures guide us, the dermatologists, to prescribe the necessary treatment. In this prescription, however, we cannot always go through a single treatment method. We determine more than one type of treatment in this prescription, taking into account which technique is suitable for the patient, whether it is single or multiple sessions, session intervals and seasonal characteristics. Combined treatments, which we will prepare according to the person, double the success in the result and patient satisfaction. In fact, the added value here is sometimes not 1+1=2, but the result may even be 3 or 5.

How are personalized combined treatments planned?

It is not possible to talk about a classical combined treatment algorithm. Because it is completely personal, it varies according to the skin type of the person, the size of the problem, psychology, complaints and of course the budget. According to these variables, we decide together with our patient and prepare a personalized prescription. At this point, the complaints of our patients are very important. Sometimes the person’s skin is sagging, but he may want to get treatment because of a single spot problem. At this point, we guide people with a holistic perspective, taking into account their wishes, for example botox for mimic lines, a treatment we always apply to prevent the lines from becoming permanent in the future.

If our patients sometimes insist on receiving a treatment, but it is not very suitable for their skin, we explain why it is not suitable for their skin. Here, the patient-doctor relationship must be based on trust. In addition, it is important that certain demands of individuals are not abused in terms of the person applying the treatment. This issue is extremely important for the skin and mental health of patients and for the ethical sustainability of the professions of specialists.

What combinations are there for sagging skin?

Although the combined treatments vary according to the individual, we can also talk about some general combinations that we foresee for each problem. For example, for sagging skin, first focus ultrasound, then rope suspension, and hyaluronic acid filler for lost volume are among the important treatment combinations. Then, skin boosters can be applied for skin quality.

How are the combined treatments for blemished and acne-prone skin?

For the blemish, first of all, medical treatment, then depending on the type of the blemish, combinations of IPL, baby face, Q switch ND fat laser are very effective. Some stains can be stubborn, in addition to this combination, we can apply chemical peeling, PRP and mesotherapy.

When it comes to acne, first medical treatment, then skin care and laser treatment for redness are applied. Then there are fractional laser, needle radiofrequency, PRP applications for scars. As I mentioned before, it can be turned into a combined treatment by evaluating the person’s skin problem and the level of recovery.

For example, we applied Golden Needle for a few months to a person for whom we applied a few sessions of Fractional Laser for acne scars. When the level of improvement in the person was sufficient, we decided to go only regionally. When the opposite happens, for example, we can follow the improvement level and switch to a different treatment. Thus, the level of satisfaction inevitably increases.