Each of us, no matter what age we are; we want younger, more vibrant spotless skin; is not it? Acne scars, scars and cracks that everyone complains about are not unsolvable. For this reason, the name of the technology developed by scientists for 15 years is fractional laser therapy.
Fractional lasers are the devices we use for skin rejuvenation, scar treatment (acne scar, surgical scar), crack treatment, and prevention of eyelid sagging. It can be of different wavelengths* When a laser pulse is made on the skin surface, damage occurs in the form of columns on the subcutaneous layer.
The application takes place by leaving a solid tissue in between.
In this way, recovery is faster and more comfortable compared to conventional carbon dioxide laser application.
However, despite all these plus features, a reaction may develop on the skin.
Knowing the possible effects before the procedure takes the patient more confidently to a spotless skin.
It is equally critical for the patient to manage the post-treatment process well, as well as who applies the fractional laser treatment.
Here are 8 critical steps that will take you step by step to a smooth skin with fractional laser treatment.
1-After the procedure, redness and swelling are seen in the treated area.
On the 1st day of the treatment, the redness turns darker and crusting begins to form. The payment still continues.
2- On the 2nd day of the treatment, crusting becomes more evident. On the 3rd day of the treatment, the edema has decreased relatively, and the crusts begin to lift in some areas.
3-Healing literally varies from person to person. This period varies between 5 and 10 days.
4-A person’s skin color comes first among the factors affecting the treatment. In dark-skinned people, crusting is much more pronounced after the application, the recommendations must be strictly followed, otherwise the risk of dark spots after the procedure is high.
5-Age is important. At older ages, recovery takes longer.
6-The higher the wavelength of the laser we use, the more intense the reaction will be. Of course, efficiency will also increase.
The point that our patient should pay attention to is to comply with the recommendations.
7- Controlled damage occurs in the area where the skin is applied.
Attention! For this reason, it should not be washed with hot water until full recovery is achieved, acne treatment, antiaging creams containing acid should not be used.
8-Session intervals are also extremely critical at this point.
The next session of the applied fractional laser treatment should be done 8-10 weeks later.
To healthy days with the beauty of every age….
*(carbon dioxide 10600 nm, erbium 2900 nm, erglass 1540 nm, thulium laser 1927 nm).